Nothing big happened last Friday… but for some odd reason, the latter half of the day left me feeling just a bit… weighted… yeah, yeah… I can hear the fat jokes now… but seriously…
Then I backtrack to two things I stumbled upon that day, that have absolutely no direct connection and/or affect on me:
On an online news bulletin:
And it’s even more disturbing to think that for us to maintain some semblance of human comfort, we crank up the airconditioning, and refrigerate more stuff, and have more cars than ever before… so everything really goes up exponentially. The more the earth gets tired, the more we unknowingly fight back and cause even more damage. Just to stay comfortable… I am just as guilty as everyone else though…
Which really makes me wonder what kind of world Marge will be growing up in… I really must be getting old…
And on the Philippine STAR’s front page:
Right. If you ask me, the real “gag” is on the country for being presented a lousy show where the bad guys win.
Personally, I’m a little on the side of tired from throwing barbs at the iron maiden known as Gloria “Macapal” Arroyo (I honestly don’t think she deserves her father’s good name…)… It seemed fun at first, but the more one keeps checking on the Philippine government, the more one realizes how futile the whole affair of scrutinizing it is. Not to mention how blatant and brazen our officials have become.
It’s amazing how Gloria has seemingly bought the souls of everyone who can serve her purposes with 9-10 figure sums. Apparently, everything’s for sale when one is discussing things to the tune of hundreds of millions…
Taxes are up. The Chickenjoy meal’s priced like a thirds of Alfredo’s pepper steak. A liter of
gasoline is one-sixth of minimum wage. And through all that, the tobacco companies have managed to keep a pack of cigarettes below thirty bucks (at supermarkets) by paying off the people who come up with the tariffs.
And the ice caps are melting, and the weather is getting freaky, and the free soup at corner cafeteria is getting more watery by the day.
And Gloria’s laughing with her goddamn mole all the way to the fucking Swiss banks…
Then I backtrack to two things I stumbled upon that day, that have absolutely no direct connection and/or affect on me:
On an online news bulletin:

And it’s even more disturbing to think that for us to maintain some semblance of human comfort, we crank up the airconditioning, and refrigerate more stuff, and have more cars than ever before… so everything really goes up exponentially. The more the earth gets tired, the more we unknowingly fight back and cause even more damage. Just to stay comfortable… I am just as guilty as everyone else though…
Which really makes me wonder what kind of world Marge will be growing up in… I really must be getting old…
And on the Philippine STAR’s front page:
Right. If you ask me, the real “gag” is on the country for being presented a lousy show where the bad guys win.
Personally, I’m a little on the side of tired from throwing barbs at the iron maiden known as Gloria “Macapal” Arroyo (I honestly don’t think she deserves her father’s good name…)… It seemed fun at first, but the more one keeps checking on the Philippine government, the more one realizes how futile the whole affair of scrutinizing it is. Not to mention how blatant and brazen our officials have become.
It’s amazing how Gloria has seemingly bought the souls of everyone who can serve her purposes with 9-10 figure sums. Apparently, everything’s for sale when one is discussing things to the tune of hundreds of millions…
Taxes are up. The Chickenjoy meal’s priced like a thirds of Alfredo’s pepper steak. A liter of
And the ice caps are melting, and the weather is getting freaky, and the free soup at corner cafeteria is getting more watery by the day.
And Gloria’s laughing with her goddamn mole all the way to the fucking Swiss banks…
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