Saturday, February 26, 2011

Dear Mr. Tarsier Mascot

Dear Mr. Tarsier,
I would like to apologize for what happened today.
You were brought to Tiong San Harrison today to entertain our customers with funny antics only conceivable for anonymous pranksters hiding behind a giant fiberglass head of a mascot.
In my boredom today, and in the interest of doing something supposedly harmelessly stupid, i dangled P1,000 to an employee to knock on your head four times just to watch you spin around in that giant of yours looking for the culprit.  I did not know it would supposedly hurt and that you are already dizzy from the heat in there.
Now I am P1,000 poorer with a giant tarsier pissed at me.
Sorry, dude.
Good thing you're still smiling.
Oh, dammit... that's just the headdress!
'catch you later...

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