Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Not a Movie Review: Due Date (Dear Bob...)

Dear Bob,

I just want you to know that i saw “Due Date” a few weeks ago and had a decently enjoyable time. Zach “I’m-capitalizing-on-my-Jack-Black-resemblance” Galifianakis was okay, but he was seriously outclassed by you and your greatness. He had no right to be on the same goddamn screen with you, Bob.

But enough about him. Let’s talk about you. Yes, Bob. You.

Some people say he “outshone” you. The nerve. But that’s okay, Bob. This was YOUR movie, Bob. YOU are “Iron Man,” YOU are “Charlie Chaplin” personified, YOU are Rob Downey, Jr. So it’s perfectly okay if you want to make a stupid road trip movie that has no reason to exist other than to give some work to Zach (a.k.a. “Jack Black Lite”), heaven knows you don’t need the money right now.

In “Due Date,” you played Tony Stark who was a bit settled down and is expecting his first child. Also, in this movie, Tony Stark did not have his armor readily available. Otherwise, he would given Zach a nudge off with a repulsor ray and proceeded to the “Avengers” movie.

I’m waiting for the “Avengers” movie, Bob.

My wife is waiting for the “Avengers” movie. She just doesn’t know it yet. Do you have a young son? Perhaps a little boy? Less than ten years old, perhaps? Someone I might want my daughter to date?

Lemme know, Bob. Lemme know.

‘catch you later.

Wednesday, December 08, 2010

The Alien Truth About Gloria Macapagal Arroyo

The headline on the Philippine Daily Inquirer yesterday (December 8, 2010) is another sign towards the validation of the gay relationship between Clark Kent and Bruce Wayne (a.k.a. Superman and Batman), as well as its consummation.

Their love child is GLORIA MACAPAGAL ARROYO.

The headline today shows that Gloria’s fantastic master stroke of installing that guy Corona as chief justice before she leaves Malacañang is evidence of the genius she inherited from Batman, while the rest of the erstwhile presidential term has proven that she has Superman-thick skin all over tiny mole-ridden body with the breast implants. Said master stroke has made her impervious to any attack from the current or any future administration of the Philippine government.

GLORIA MACAPAGAL ARROYO is a super-being carried to term in the Kryptonian womb of Kal-El (as Clark Kent is known in his native planet of Krypton). I have come to this conclusion in observing that since regular Earth males like Bruce Wayne (a.k.a. Batman) have not shown signs of really getting pregnant (testosterone-laced females with facial hair and little-boy biceps do not count). Thus, it MUST be Superman who carried the child. After all, we know nothing about the inner workings of Kryptonian physiques.

The United States Department of Defense, or National Security, or Anti-Koreans, (or whatever it is they come up every other time) can save a lot of money by hiring Gloria Macapagal Arroyo and throwing her at the commies. If her long presidential term is any sign, she is practically guaranteed to cause a LOT of trouble.

And best (or worst) of all, GLORIA MACAPAGAL ARROYO will survive. Guaranteed.

‘catch you later.*


Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Movie Review: Megamind (3D Movie, 2D Characters...)

Saw Megamind. Liked it. It’s a movie of superhero what-ifs. Simple as that. Someone took the basic foundations of the Superman lore and twisted things a bit. So taking the veiled analogues off and we get:

• A Lex Luthor one wants to root for
• An insufferable Superman who finally wants to retire and finds a way to do so
• Lois Lane ending up with Lex Luthor
• Jimmy Olsen finally showing people how he really feels about Supes (and Lois)
• And finally, we get Brainiac as an adorable alien puffer fish.

Funky little tidbit is that the Jimmy Olsen character is called “Hal Stewart.” Most likely a nod to the two alter-egos of Green Lantern, Hal Jordan and John Stewart. Another solid tidbit is that Bob Downey, Jr. was supposed to have signed up to voice Megamind, but the role went to Ferrell due to Bob’s schedule conflicts. Bob was mostly likely busy shooting “Due Date,” which i also saw.

Ooh, and there’s a Donkey Kong tribute in there for geekazoids like yours truly. Comic book geek me loved the movie, by the way.

Main characters voiced by Will Ferrell, Brad Pitt, Ben Stiller and the geeksexy Tina Fey.

‘catch you later.

Monday, November 22, 2010

Pilipinas Kay Ganda... sana.

Last week saw almost the entire online community in a righteous uproar about Secretary of Tourism Bertie Lim’s relaunch of the country’s international tourism campaign which (as of this writing) was called “Pilipinas Kay Ganda.”

I don’t think i can say anything that hasn’t been said about the campaign’s very shaky beginnings. But on a related note, i did post a comment on Anton Diaz’s popular blog, “Our Awesome Planet.” And just for the heck of it, here’s that post:

“Greetings, Anton!
i think the new tourism campaign does nothing more than act like a poor, watered down sequel to the rather successful "wow philippines" campaign.
i wasnt there at the launch. But offhand, as a patron of local tourism spots, i believe the government should reduce expenses in marketing at the onset and redirect funds in improving facilities and security in already world-renowned tourism spots (too many to mention).
While we have many, many privately-owned resorts, the respective local governments of these provinces should be given more support to manage aspects like waste disposal and management, environmental conservation, heavier sanctions on pollution level violators, and so on.
Tourism campaigns launched by our government seldom say anything new about us. People who hop around our islands (locals included) always share the same sentiments whichever of the 7,000 islands we visit: 'ang ganda, sayang at di inaalagaan...'['so beautiful, such a waste we don't take care of it...'].
The new campaign is another blatant display of the government not putting money where it is really needed.”

Hope someone who can do something about this runs into this little rant.
‘catch you later.

Concert Review: The Gin Blossoms in Manila (My "Real" Review... Pieces of that Night)


Okay, so it wasn’t “yes.” It was more like “YES!!!!!”

The Gin Blossoms were going to make like Santa Claus and coming to town. This town. Manila. And where a fire made me miss the TOTO concert back in 2007 and changed the course of my life entirely, and scheduling conflicts made me miss Chicago and Tears for Fears by making me stuck in another city, this one was NOT getting past me.

To repeat what i told the band during the “Meet & Greet” a couple of days ago at the Robinson’s Galleria: “I’ve been waiting for you guys for seventeen years!” And though it may be arguable that TOTO, Chicago and Tears for Fears have been invading my eardrums for far longer than the Gins, i must state the fact that unlike them, the Gins have never (NEVER) left my regular playlist. MP3 mix cd’s were incomplete without a Gin Blossoms folderful of songs.
* * * * * * * *

Almost an hour and half’s worth of opening acts in the form of local band 6cycle Mind (with a number featuring Cookie Chua), and Aussie band Fahrenheit43 (who the...?!), and the Gins were in!

So, my voice is fucking hoarse from all the cheering, screaming and singing along, and here’s the setlist (in order) of that night’s show:

“Follow You Down” - I was actually expecting this since it made sense to open the show with this song. It’s a big hit off their successful sophomore album, starts the show loud and proud with a lot of familiarity, while letting them save the “bigger” hits for later in the show.
“Don’t Change for Me” – first song from the new album that they played tonight.
“’Til I Hear It From You,” – a good song, but not among my super favourites. But a very popular one nonetheless.
“Found Out About You” – a personal favourite. Take time out to check out the lyrics to this, and be amazed.
“Miss Disarray” – this song is just okay for me. Wouldn’t have been my personal choice for a kick-off single though.
“As Long As It Matters” – another personal favourite since i sand this a lot along with Vergil dela Cruz and his literal band of brothers.
“Lost Horizons” – a relatively obscure song for mainstreamers, but another trademark Gins pieces for fans like me.
“Long Time Gone” – among what i consider “lesser” tunes off their catalogue. Taken from “Major Lodge Victory.” They should have done “Come On Hard” instead of this one, in my humble opinion.
“Go Crybaby” – from the new album.
“Learning the Hard Way” – the lead track on “Major Lodge Victory.”
“Until I Fall Away” – sadly enough, this melodic, suicidal dirge is a wonderful example of what musical magic Robin (Wilson) and Jesse (Valenzuela) can create together that stands toe to toe with the so-called Hopkins-penned Gins classics.
“Dead or Alive on the 405” – one of the catchier tunes on “No Chocolate Cake”
“Allison Road” – one of Robin’s personal best, i believe.
“I’m Ready” – from the new album.

Yep, Robin was pointing at me in this
shot after i called him out like a
weed-high adolescent groupie.
“Pieces of the Night” – introduced by Robin as a “special Gin Blossoms song,” this is considered by many diehard Gins fans as Doug Hopkins’ Gins opus. For one, it isn’t about a girl like most Gins songs are. It’s about Hopkins’ seeming struggle with the pressures of fame, working with a major label, and of course, bring drunk.
I love “Pieces” for its fantastic lyricism, and how bare Hopkins laid his soul in this one. The performance was also a personal highlight since Robin pointed me out in the crowd mid-way through the song. Heh heh...
For better or worse, it isn’t a very popular song. In fact, among the crowds packing the front of the stage that night, only one other guy was singing along to this. And he was shouting out a request for “Whitewash,” so yeah, he was a fan like me. Catching me singing along to “Pieces,” the guy and i gave each other an approving nod and a high five.
Then they suddenly slid down to “Hey Jealousy,” which had the whole house screaming. “Jealousy” is after all, considered their signature song.
“Wave Bye Bye” – many people who have heard “No Chocolate Cake” seem to be in a consensus about liking this song a lot. And yes, the title itself is a dead give-away for a finale song. My personal favourite off NCC.

“Goin’ to California”
“Now” of the Plimsouls
“Hands are Tied”

Without losing any love for the Gins, i must state on record that the entire three-song encore was honestly a “what the...?” moment for me. Of course, hearing the Gins play ANY song is a great event for me, but there were so many other songs they could have played: the aforementioned “Whitewash,” “Come On Hard,” “29,” “Mrs. Rita,” or even “Cheatin’.” It’s a damn long list of songs for me... i’d better stop right here.

P.S. I had videos for many of the songs. And yes, the band sounded great. But while i thought i could post them here... i changed my mind after reviewing them and noticing that my singing/shouting along drowned out the band and at times I screamed like a deep-voiced fag in heat.

* * * * * * * *
Robin gamely engaged the audience and did his trademark thing of singing into the cellphones of lucky concert-goers. The band played comfortably together on-stage with Jesse Valenzuela leading the way, while Bill Leen, Scott Johnson and new drummer John Richardson filled the Coliseum with the trademark Gin Blossoms sound.

All in all though, the oddly unsurprising thing tonight was how almost the entire catalogue of the Gins played randomly from any of their albums all flowed seemlessly to one another. Testament to the quality of the "Gin Blossoms sound" people know and secretly love. Never mind if Robin's voice sounded just a little bit thinner and more aged than back in "Major Lodge Victory," it still hadn't lost that yearning melancholy that gave earnest life to the songs that were invariably about being broken and trying to pick one's self back up.

And I suppose that that in no small degree will make the Gins' music immortal. At the end of the day, almost all of the songs they've become known for are love songs that pinch down in that most savage level where people with hearts simply get hurt and bleed. The songs may have been written in late 80's and the 90's, but those songs sing about things that will keep happening again and again, and sound great while doing it.

'catch you later.
Here's that cheesy fanboy band shot

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Concert Review: Gin Blossoms in Manila (Music Still Worth Drinking To... My "Short" Concert Review)

The Gin Blossoms played a solid 20-song setlist for a warmly receptive and cooperative Manila concert crowd at the Araneta Coliseum last November 18, 2010.

Breaking the ice with “Follow You Down,” their 1996 hit off their sophomore album “Congratulations, I’m Sorry,” the Gins barely slowed down through the evening, except for an occasional sip of beer. The band performed their biggest hits and fan-favorites such as “Hey Jealousy,” “Allison Road,” “Found Out About You,” “As Long As It Matters,” interspersed with tunes off their brand new album, “No Chocolate Cake.”

Frontman Robin Wilson still hadn’t lost that earnest, yearning melancholy in his voice and still sang like he meant every word. Though admittedly, his voice seemed to have sounded a little thinner and more aged than back in “Major Lodge Victory.” Robin gamely engaged the audience and did his trademark thing of singing into the cellphones of lucky concert-goers. The band played comfortably together on-stage with Jesse Valenzuela leading the way, while Bill Leen, Scott Johnson and new drummer John Richardson filled the Coliseum with the trademark Gin Blossoms sound.
Me hamming it up with the band
at the meet and greet.

As the Gin Blossoms rocked the entire Araneta Coliseum that night, it was more than a tribute to the ‘90’s as a musical era, but a celebration of simply great music that will transcend genres, trends and probably even generations.

P.S. I am such an unabashed fan, that i went to see the Gins at the Robinsons Galleria the day before the concert for the meet and greet, along with some autograph signing.
The boys were totally cool and seemed genuinely nice even after i may have sounded like an absolute stalker when i said: "I've been waiting seventeen years for you guys!" This was followed by Robin suddenly looking up and smiling, half-stood, then shook my hand while asking: "What's your name?" "Jasper," I said.
"Thank you so much," replied Robin.
My friend (and occasional guest-blogger here at Broken Record) Carlo Balingit said Robin probably asked for my name so he knows what to tell their security detail. My wife thinks so, too.
'catch you later.

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Movie Review: The Other Guys (I Got Dumber, But Laughed My Dying Brains Out)

There’s something about knowing Will Ferrell’s going to be in a movie that makes one want to switch off one’s brain to avoid any further damage.

But one would want to go see it nonetheless.

And having Marky Mark... Oops, Mark WAHLBERG, Samuel L. Jackson and the Rock... oops, I mean, DWAYNE JOHNSON, and Michael Keaton all along for the ride almost makes one just want to come jump into the boys’ party.

“The Other Guys” is set up like another stereotypical mismatched cops buddy movie, and that’s what it unabashedly is. It has no pretentions of becoming anything else other than a mindless attempt at getting you mindless. But it’s obvious that the cast is having fun, and it shines through from Ferrell’s standard-issue self-deprecation, to Wahlberg’s deadpan pseudo-seriousness.

Imagine the writing session on this one: “Boys, screw the plot, and come up with a series of ‘where the fuck did THAT come froms?’”

Yes, i loved it.

‘catch you later.

Monday, November 15, 2010

Movie Review: The Social Network (Revenge of the Nerds: The Gazillions Sequel)

Okay... so stop me from performing another of the 25 billion most obvious forms of vindication for Mark Zuckerberg’s MONEY... i’m guessing a good chunk of the zillion people who’ve seen the Facebook movie “The Social Network” readily went home, popped their computers open, and began writing about the Facebook movie on... wait for it... FACEBOOK. They proceed to reaffirm why Mark Zuckerberg and company are making a lot of MONEY.

So, in a new millennium version of “Revenge of the Nerds Part 60-something,” the eponymous “nerds” in the movie not only get kicked around in the early part of the movie, then make idiots of the jocks (the twins), and get the girls, but they also make truckloads of MONEY. Of course, a few things here and there are twisted to make a more interesting movie from what is most likely a rather boring story about a nerd who screwed his best friend over and made MONEY. Yes, MONEY.

Entertaining movie, but i won’t take the story as gospel, and neither am i scampering to start my own internet company in the hopes of making MONEY. And i have nothing more entertainingly insulting to say, so i’ll stop right here and go back to working to somehow make a little bit of... money. (nope, not in ALL CAPS.)

‘catch you later.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Delayed Movie Review: EAT PRAY LOVE (PIG-OUT, THINK, FUCK)

Julia Roberts’ character finds herself in a mid-life crisis, then proceeds to travel across the world “in search of herself.” She proceeds to PIG-OUT on pasta in Italy, MEDITATE her brains to oatmeal in India, and FUCK her brains out with a guy who almost killed her in Indonesia.

A lady who finds herself broke blows off what’s left of her money by travelling around the globe and reminding the movie-going public why the rest of the world sees white people as too indulgent. I mean, flying to Italy for a taste of dolce vita is all good, but is India the only place where one finds God? Does God hate deodorant or something? And just because Indonesia is overpopulated (just like most other Southeast Asian countries), doesn’t necessarily mean people there are hornier. Word of advice for people who want to "find themselves," is for them to look in a mirror.

Not really a REALLY bad movie, save for the occasional heavy-handedness. And the male co-stars at every turn in Roberts’ globe-spanning do a good job of playing off the almost-neurotic character played by Roberts. And so the book’s movie potential really lies in the perfect formula of female introspection, exotic locales, and getting Julia Roberts to play the lead character.

Of course, the ultimate indecisive psychosis of the biographical Elizabeth Gilbert character can really be fixed by another set of three words: PSYCHO ANALYTIC THERAPY

'catch you later.

Monday, November 08, 2010

TV Review: $#*! My Dad Says (Shat should stop this $#*!)

For those of you out there who love quality TV (an oxymoron), you may not have stumbled upon this little new show with a Milky Way-sized star in the person of William Shatner. The show's called "$#*! MY DAD SAYS," and it's based on one guy's Twitter posts (and eventually book) of his old man's quotables.!/shitmydadsays

Heard about the show via my built-in Star Trek Radar and immediately went about downloading and watching it since i am a devoted Shatnerite. Man... Somebody bring "Boston Legal" back... please. Or take this show out of censored network television and into uncensored cable where it will truly belong.

My dear friend Scott Kelly from Minnesota mentioned the show to me via a Facebook message, and i replied with this:

"I've seen a couple of episodes, bro... honestly disappointed... i found it a bit sleepy... and sadly, without the profanity of the twitter posts, the lines don't have the same impact.
Shatner may be able to save the universe, my friend... but i don't think he'll save this show.
How did you like it? "
Sorry, Shat.  'Nuff said.
'catch you later.

Saturday, November 06, 2010

What’s the big deal about the dying of NU107?

So, tomorrow will be the last day NU107 hits the airwaves. And i am not affected. Not really. But i am sad. Let me tell you why by way of a story...

Sometime back (waaaaay back), i told myself that i would always like what wasn’t necessarily popular or “cool.” I would define “cool” for myself until it became cool simply because it was there for far too long to not be.

This led to my willingness to expose my sucker-ness for all things mushy. Strongly manifested by what was then called “the Mellow Touch.” It was 94.7 on FM radio. It played old, country music and mushy, corny love songs. Something most “boys” wouldn’t be caught dead listening to. But i didn’t mind. It set me apart, and the music really is nice.

And then there were the old people who tuned in to 104-point-something for old piano music and geriatric stuff... there was “cooler” stuff out in 99.5RT (there still is), RJ’s retro station, the jazz stations, and then there was the rock station NU107. Back when radios had rotary dials for station tuning (with higher-end sets even boasting an extra “fine-tune” knob, it was amusing how colourful and varied the stations one squeeked through were. So many different personalities and voices, both literally and figuratively.

The mid to late 90’s saw the proliferation of jazz/r&b/new age stations. Cool (there’s that word again) music to chill out and have a drink to. There were unapologetically pop stations with a bit of talk-show thrown in like Monster RX93 and the now-legendary circa Little David (a.k.a. Adel Gabot) 103.5 K-Lite. Most others have reformatted, but through all that, there was NU107. And though i never listened to it, i knew it was there, and it stood as somewhat physical proof of the existence of people who were not like me, but somehow were in that they refused to change.

But NU107 signs off tomorrow. So now what?

I wish i could say “i don’t know,” because that would mean that radio would still surprise me and through the sea of now-generic MOR music, there was still going to be a fun little monkey-wrench playing something crazy and different at the end of dial. (oh, i forget... there are no more dials) But no, i won’t pretentiously miss NU107 like its honest-to-goodness fanatics just to seem “cool” (dammit, there’s that word AGAIN!). Hell, i don’t tune into 107. But i wish i could say i couldn’t care less.

Thing is, i hate conformity.  Now, almost everything on radio is going to sound like my old iPod. And one last thing... One strong memory i have of NU107 was when i hitched with my best friend over 15 years ago, and heard my first strains of Cake’s version of “I Will Survive,” which i promptly turned into the party anthem of DQA (Duane Quintal Associates) back in 1995. So yeah, thanks for that one song at least, NU.

‘catch you later.

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Waiting for a serve...

my currently favorite drink,
Russian Standard Vodka
I drink just enough to get me drowsy. Not enough to make me stupid, or to make my heart palpitate like it did the last time.

Just enough. Not much.

So here we were. It seemed like a long enough time to let half the world pass us by. But no. No time is ever enough until someone lets go. But when forgiveness is the only option left, everything becomes one-sided. Right now, it feels sort of like playing ping pong (i would have said tennis, but i never played tennis, so it might seem too pretentious), and the difference is that i’m left on the other side just waiting for the serve.

And when i’m lucky enough for the serve to come, i lose because the wind blew the ball. Then i wait for the serve again.

So here i am swinging my racket at the air...

‘catch you later.

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Very rare reflective moment...

There is a razor-thin line between being perceived as kind beyond reproach, and being considered gullible to the point of stupid. Story of my life.

But no more. At least not as often as before, anyways.

I’ve also learned to admit to myself that i’m a fucking coward. There, i’ve said it. For someone who’s supposed superpower is his mouth, i haven’t been very good at opening it to tell people if i’m not happy. I’m a coward for engraving on my brain that because i have admittedly been living a rather blessed life, i have a supposed responsibility to share my supposed blessings through kindness and generosity.

But the blanket’s been pulled, so has the pillow, and i’m sniffing a lot of coffee in the air. Good morning, me. Yeah.

Responsibility, my ass.

At this point in my life, I keep wondering to myself why on earth human beings seem to consider it their God-given duty to exploit the kindness of the ones who give it. As the world gets older, optimism even among our youth seems to dissipate that much more quickly. And optimists like me have been branded by too many as little more than quixotic fools.

The past year saw yours truly going unnaturally nuclear on a handful of situations. Totally uncharacteristic of the “me” i’ve known for the past two and a half decades, but not too unlike the much younger me, nor the father side’s supposed genetic temper.

As i lose my temper more and more often in recent memory, my self-written reputation for being jolly, excitable, but occasionally humorously nonchalant is slowly becoming little more than a legend i cultivate in my sad, fertile imagination. The character i want Jasper Lao Golangco to be. I have even fabricated enough about my own persona by throwing in the word “Greek” as part of my name on non-official situations.

Which begs the question: Who’s the “real” me?

‘catch you later.

Monday, October 25, 2010

Maverick Musings... (After Halloween)

So even before all the Halloween squashes and pumpkins decompose enough to be considered compost, i sit here thinking of things i’ve learned and gathered over the course of a rather eventful 2010 regarding Maverick...

Maverick is totally gaining steam. Whoopee. Seriously. You know how big companies and bigger egos often like being addressed as acronyms? Well, this year saw Maverick working with at least a couple of HUGE acronyms. There are at least two easily recognizable three-letter acronyms that spell “B.I.G.” who got the “Maverick Experience.” One is BDO, and the other is LBC. More to come. And hopefully, even more to come back.

In business, staying alive long enough to get your stride back is priceless. But you need to love your business and what you do to make you want to keep it alive even in zombie mode.

So yes, i'm getting that off my chest: Maverick was a zombie for quite some time. But no more. We're alive and kicking ass like we haven't done in a long time.

'nuff said.

'catch you later.

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Sunday (102410):

October 24, 2010 – i feel tired but excited, bored and worn out but eager, lonely but almost peaceful, content but not quite, passably happy but not really “completely” happy. But definitely can’t complain.

Thursday before the break of dawn,
at a cold, lonely bus terminal
All in a day’s work of being alive, isn’t it?

In and out of sleep since six in the a.m. But for a good reason i can’t discuss out here. And no, it sadly isn't about sex. Slightly groggy, but alert at the counter (sort of). Riding back to the big city tonight. Short stint in the store will have consequences, i think. Or maybe not... but a comfortable level of reasonable affluence always has a price. Especially when it’s connected to a family business. But i’m looking ahead, without forgetting to look back.

Maverick will get more Maverick.

That can be interpreted in at least three different ways. It can mean that i, the Maverick (as many refer to me), will get more time with Maverick the office. It can also mean that Maverick the office will get more of me sooner than usual. And it can also mean that i, the supposed Maverick will get more “maverick.” But wait, the above sentence/paragraph does not have the second “maverick” capitalized. So the third interpretation does not apply.
little corner of the living room Malou
and i use as our internet cafe. Empty.

And yes, i am bored.

First time in a year i’m up here without the wifey, Marge and the doggies. Feels a bit colder. Due to both the weather, as well as the lack of warm bodies (human or canine) running amok in the empty living room. And cold inside, too, you know...?

Sad, but not really. Am waiting for a few things i need to bring to the country club. Lunch time soon. Not excited, but not objecting. Just... nothing.

‘catch you later.

cold, foggy morning up in the mountains

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

20 Days Late...


So while the wifey isn't looking, i spin the giant tent-card style standee of "Due Date" in the cinema lobby of Robinson's Galleria to make sure the side with Robert Downey, Jr.'s face gets the most immediate exposure.

Bob, i want you to know i did it for you.

* * * * * * * *

I just found out yesterday that the Facebook account of my current favorite comic book store, Comic Odyssey is the work, not of one of the owners/shareholders, but by a totally devoted fan/loyal customer by the name of Norby Ela.

Actually, i know the name since i "liked" it on FB, which means i get updates and stuff. All of which Mr. Ela apparently just religiously culls out of the Comic Odyssey website.

Man... Totally cool.

According to Miss Ning, who i believe is among the proprietors of Comic Odyssey, Filemon Barbasa the eponymous "FilBar's" himself endorsed the shop to some of his loyal customers when he started to focus more on magazines than comics.

Now how much totally cooler is THAT?
* * * * * * * *

Now following Booster Gold, Justice League Generation Lost, Doom Patrol, X-Factor collected edition hardcovers, aaaaaaand i just picked the first issue of an all-new Doctor Solar, Man of the Atom by... Wait for it... JIM FUCKING SHOOTER!!! The man is back! Yeah...

And yes, that IS cooler...

* * * * * * * *

Caught Julia Roberts in EAT, PRAY, LOVE. More on that soon...

'catch you later.

Monday, October 18, 2010

Sunday (101710)

There's something about Sunday lunches with my father that can fill me with some Imeldific Marcostalgia.

Since my old man still lives in the old compound in San Miguel, near Malacanang, we usually end up choosing eating places within the perimeter of Downtown Manila. Today, as suggested by Pops, we went to the Gloria Maris in the CCP Complex. There was supposedly a promo-price on sea mantis and clams. We had exactly those plus noodles.

Margaret happily cam-ho's for me while Malou and Pops go in ahead to order.

Today's lunch conversation was highlighted by Pops telling us that the restaurant we were in used to be a seafood restaurant that was quite the pride of Imelda Marcos. It supposedly offered up to twenty mouth-watering ways to cook crabs. A look around the fine wood-based interiors certainly suggests that the Imeldific one had her say and her way in putting the place together. Too bad, i was too embarrassed and hungry to take photographs. On the way to driving Pops back home, a spin around the CCP Complex, followed by a drive down the once-picturesque Roxas Boulevard, and i was awashed with a wave of nostalgia for simpler times as a child growing up in Manila, and the memory that Manila used to be a first-class city, albeit under a dictatorship.

It's almost deliciously ironic for Imelda that when the Marcoses were scurried out of Malacanang, new Manila postcards probably stopped being produced. At least the good ones.

* * * * * * * *

And while i was getting a haircut from Jojo at Gruppo later that afternoon, there was a really fat dike with a chubby girlfriend in the chair next to mine who was leafing through an iPad while being pampered.

Before seeing her/him, i was half-considering to whip out my mega-sized laptop to write this piece. Now all of a sudden, the thought of typing or surfing on a notebook besides Her Dike-ness on an iPad seems embarrassingly prehistoric.

So i tap away on my humble, non-flashy Nokia e71 for this. Except for the iPod, I still do not see myself submitting to Steve Jobs and his array of technological Apples that i still consider lemons.

'catch you later.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

TV Review: No Ordinary Family (Ordinary Story, Ordinary Show...)

I’m not a TV addict. In fact, i may have unknowingly spent days without turning the tube on. (oops, the term “tube” is soooooo 80’s! People are on LCD’s or LED’s now)

But there are a handful of shows one keeps track of and watches via his/her computer. This week, i thought i’d give a new TV series a try. The show was called “No Ordinary Family,” and in a nutshell, i suppose one can call it sort of a live-action version of “The Incredibles,” which was pretty much a 3D animation reimagining of “The Fantastic Four.”

chiklis is one cool sonuva-pitch
The show stars Michael Chiklis (of “The Shield”), Julie Benz (of “Dexter,” that i haven’t seen, but heard it's really cool), and a couple of other kids who are supposedly common faces on TV, if one bothers to notice these things or doesn’t have a job. They play a family who go on a stupid propeller plane vacation, which crashes into a river that gives them sooooper-powerz! How fucking original...

fast cars, faster woman...
The dysfunctional family’s growing into their powers makes them supposedly closer to one another. As Chiklis turns into a non-rocky version of the Fantastic Four’s “Thing,” Benz turns into a female flash, the daughter turns into a telepath with sex issues, and the retarded son turns into another retard not very different from Russell Crowe’s character in “A Beautiful Mind.”

she doesn't need to read his mind
to know he wants to get laid.
After fairly recent events that rocked my life, family is something precious to me. But sometimes it gets rubbed in my face a little too often in the pilot. I almost thought the writers were Swiss since the show had too much cheese.

i am now a SMART retard !
Effects are nice, but in this day and age, they’re nothing new. (I remember watching “Mutant X” just to see the effects and watch the pretty girls. “Heroes” was chock-full of special effects, but that show’s ultimate super power was making all the fans’ good will disappear so fast.) At least the family members look like they’re having fun with their newfound powers (for the most part), so it doesn't feel heavy-handed at all. I mean, i used to be very proud of the super power to wiggle my left ear independently from my forehead. I wasn’t bitching about being a freak.

If i sound unimpressed, it’s because i am. But i am not totally unhappy about it. In fact, the way it’s been set-up, the show has the potential to only get better. Let’s hope it does. I’m dying to fill that comic-book TV show void left by “Heroes.”

I will keep watching either until “No Ordinary Family” gets cancelled, or at least until they horribly screw it up by throwing in a time traveller, a precognizant painter, or a power mimic.

‘catch you later.

Friday, September 10, 2010

Movie Review: Despicable Me (The title was a dead give-away...)

Ran to the mall with the wife to catch the night’s screening of “Despicable Me” last Wednesday, after settling Marge at the house right after coming back down from the Boon Docks...

“Despicable Me,” stars the perfectly capable Steve Carrell as Dr Gru, a supervillain in need of a major caper, a shrink ray that’s made in China (most likely), and a bank loan from a place claiming to formerly be the Lehman Brothers. Dr. Gru, who employs one human inventor and a horde of yellow critters (referred to as “minions”) who look like Mike Wazowski’s dumber cousins, adopts orphans to help him pull a caper and end up getting his supervillain heart all gooey and totally melted by the adorable, one-dimensional 3D animated children.

And yes folks, save for a few obligatory kinks, that up there really is practically the entire plot...

We were amused, entertained, and humoured. But it didn’t break any new ground. And though it may have been done in 3D animation, i must say that i found Carrell much more animated back in “Date Night.”

And while i may not necessary see myself stumbling upon myself running to a cineplex to the sequel, i DO see myself buying a few of those cute yellow minions for me and Marge.

...and no, the wife will not want one. But yes, she did like the movie.

‘catch you later.

P.S. Am currently in Plantation Bay in Cebu. Here to attend the wedding of a friend in Marco Polo on Sunday. Body feels stiff and tired after Marge begged for repeated runs on one of the pool slides.
It's 2-fucking-AM and I'm sleepy, but cannot sleep.
There's a breakfast buffet that isn't included in the loser-ish deal the wife booked with the travel agency.
Not sure i'll be awake in time for it.
Am debating with myself whether or not to believe the book article that's brainwashing me to blow almost a couple of G's for a supposedly "addictive" massage tomorrow...

Monday, September 06, 2010

Musical "What-Ifs"

The universe is filled with “what-ifs.” Here are a few personal “what-ifs” on one of my personal favourite topics, pop music.

What if...

John Lennon & Yoko Ono
1. ...John Lennon wasn’t shot to death last 1980?
- He would have been a major presence of angst on Twitter. Ashton Kutcher would be eating his dust.
- He would probably be laughing at the many scandals of the Catholic Church.
- We would be subjected to dozens more “artsy” nude pictures of him and a wrinkly Yoko Ono.
- I will still be wearing circular-framed eye-glasses, and it will still be cool.

Mike "Bassman" McCary
2. ...Mike McCary rejoined Boyz II Men for the 20th Anniversary?
- The Boyz will still do live acapella numbers with a real bass singer, and not some overdubbed vocals.
- Big-voiced horny-dog monologues in the middle of songs will still rule over high-pitched pseudo-ghetto white boy whining.
- I will have more reason to boast that i was a bass singer in a choir back in college, and not get those blank “okay... okay...” looks from people when i say that.

Richard Page
3. ...Richard Page took on the TOTO gig?
- “Broken Wings” would have an edgier arrangement that would have made it more timeless and would still be on radio today, if only for Luke’s guitar.
- With all due respect to Luke, “I’ll be Over You” would have rocked all the more with Rich on vocals.
- The record label wouldn’t have tried shoehorning the bastard child of one of the Milli Vanilli guys and Jacko as their frontman (a.k.a. Jean Michel Byron).

Peter Cetera
4. ...Peter Cetera never left Chicago?
- We wouldn’t have to endure “Glory of Love” repeatedly for months on the radio back in 1986 since the other guys wouldn’t let him sing and play that mushy drivel.

- Peter may have balanced out the other guys and prevented the firing of Bill Champlin via email.
- Not firing Bill Champlin via email would’ve also meant Lou Pardini didn’t have to reduce himself and his awesome talents into a spare tire.

5. ...Andy Gibb didn’t die last 1988?
Andy Gibb
- The Bee Gees would be a quartet and still be making records right now since Andy might have brought Maurice to a better doctor what with Andy being a druggie and known more doctors.
- Disco would have been more drugged out since Andy will bring his drugged out fans into the Bee Gees audience.
- They would have a career resurgence in the nineties, and i would be so envious of their ridiculously exposed chest hair that i will find myself desperately shaving my sparsely-haired Asian chest and praying for a thicker regrowth.

6. ...Doug Hopkins wasn’t fired from the Gin Blossoms?
Doug Hopkins
- He may not have committed suicide, and fans like me would still be treated to melodic, depressing, alcohol-laced dirges with some of the smartest lyrics that ever got sung with electric guitars.
- I MIGHT consider branding gin as my poison of choice over vodka... but, probably not.
- They would still be soooo huge that they wouldn’t be playing in the Philippines this coming November, and fans like me wouldn’t have anything musically big to drool about.

7. ...what if i stopped this shit and went back to work...

‘catch you later.